March 15, 2023


Noble Spirits: Monarch Butterflies & Hispanic Migration

Humans are an integral part of nature, driven to seek opportunities and a better future for our families. When observing the settlement patterns of Hispanics in the United States, we witness a group of ingenious, charismatic, and hardworking individuals who bring diverse traditions, cultural values, exquisite foods, and joyous rhythms. This migration process resembles the awe-inspiring journey of the monarch butterfly, one of the animal kingdom's most remarkable migrations.

There is some resemblance with the migration of the monarch butterfly, one of the most impressive migrations of the animal kingdom. This little butterfly with just 9-11 cm or 4 inches in wingspan with an approximate weight of more or less a paper clip can fly 4,345 km (2,700 miles), making a wight-distance relation this would equate to a robin bird flying to the moon and almost back. [1]

The migratory pattern of the monarch butterfly is the most evolved of all the species of its kind; they fly 2,500 miles (more than 4,000 kilometers) from the United States and Canada to the forests in Mexico, where they hibernate and reproduce. [2]

There have been reports of them reaching all the way to Argentina.

Amazingly, the time they arrive is precisely the 1st of November, just in time for the Day of the Dead celebrations in which the cemeteries are adorned with the cempasuchil flower (the same orange color as the monarch butterfly). In this festivity, the souls of the deceased return to visit their families and loved ones, who receive them with flowers, songs, dances, prayers, and altars with the foods and beverages they enjoyed the most when they were alive so they can feast.

It is said that the butterflies are the same souls of the deceased that return to be received with so much joy during Dia de los Muertos festivities.

It's no coincidence that in the Mexican forest where they hibernate, they are guided back to the same spot where they were by the corpses of the adult butterflies that did not make the journey back north; it is as if their ancestors are calling them back.

On this journey, 1 out of 10 butterflies survive, and it takes three generations to journey from Canada to Mexico and back.

This butterfly, called monarch because of the orange color that the King William of England wore, deserves to be recognized for its nobility beyond its color. Its spiritual sovereignty concerning the souls of its species and the ones associated with the human ones through the Dia de los Muertos festivities in Mexico, that this species all, throughout its trajectory, go generating life through collecting the nectar that is its food it pollinates plants helping them reproduce which also brings abundance in fruits—also, taking care of its species so they can continue thriving in the next generations. In this way, some people make migrations from Mexico and latin america up north, hardworking, good people that take care of their families. 

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  1. “Conserving the Magic of the Monarch Migration” in Monarch Butterfly Fund. 2023. Date consulted: 9 March 2023
  2. “Monarch Butterfly(FACTS)” in WWF. [undated] Date consulted: 9 March 2023
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