Managing Your Policy

Managing Your Policy

Policy management made easy: coverage, changes, and claims.

Where do I find out what coverage is included in my insurance?

Login to your account here where you can see all the details of your insurance.

Can you explain my quote?
Insurance quote simplified diagram 1

Insurance quote simplified diagram 2

Insurance quote simplified diagram 4

Insurance quote simplified diagram
Who needs to be on my car insurance policy?

You must insure all drivers who might use your car. Keep in mind that having more drivers on your policy can lead to increased insurance rates.

Can I make changes to my car insurance coverage before the renewal date?

Typically, yes. It depends on the change you must make. Each insurance company will have different rules. For example, if you want to add another driver to your policy, the insurance company may charge you a fee for making the change. 

Am I going to receive a physical insurance card?

No, at this moment your insurance cards are available exclusively in digital format, accessible through our online platform. In the pipeline, we're working on a feature that will allow you to pick up physical cards at designated stores.

Will my car insurance policy automatically renew, or do I have to reapply for coverage?

No. We will send you a renewal offer 45 to 30 days before your policy expires. You will need to accept and sign the new documents to complete your insurance policy's renewal.

Do I make a claim with OCHO?

No. As your insurance agent, OCHO will take care of your payments, policy changes, renewals, and anything you need regarding your insurance policy. However, if you need to file a claim you will need to contact your insurance provider directly. We can provide the phone number, or you can find it on your insurance ID cards.